Marina Equipment

If your boat will be kept at a marina, whether it’s in a “wet slip” (tied up and floating between pilings and piers) or suspended out of the water on a lift, there’s a good chance you’ll need some equipment to go along with it (see Boat Storage: What Are My Options, if you haven’t already decided where and how to keep your boat). The gear you’ll need can range from a lift or davits, to a dock-box that holds all the other accessories you want to keep safe and dry. If you own a private pier you can obviously choose whatever you’d like. But if you keep your boat in a marina be sure to inquire about the rules regarding dockside equipment before you make any purchases, because in many cases, some gear won’t be allowed, and other gear will have to be standardized. Then there’s some other gear that falls into this category which everyone will find handy, like dock carts and power cords. What about all those mooring lines you’ll need, if you keep your boat in a wet slip? Flip over to Docking Equipment & Anchoring Accessories to see your choices.



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