5 Tips for Boating with Cats

Are you the proud owner of an adventure kitty? You might be pleased to hear that feline first mates have existed for centuries. Historically, cats were used to catch mice on ships and were often considered good luck charms! 

If you’re interested in boating with cats, there are a few precautions to keep in mind. Keep reading to learn whether you should boat with your cat and get some helpful tips.

Should You Boat with Your Cat? 

Cat on Boat

There are a few considerations to keep in mind before bringing your kitty on board:

Can your cat swim?

Accidents happen! And when you’re boating with cats, there’s always a chance your furry friend will end up in the water. Ensure your cat knows how to swim to ensure a minor accident doesn’t turn into a big one. 

Is your cat comfortable on a boat?

Your boat will likely be unfamiliar terrain for your feline friend. Before setting sail, it’s your job to ensure your cat is comfortable on the boat and on the water. How will they feel walking around on deck? Do they get seasick? Are they better off in a warm windowsill on land?

Is your cat trainable? 

Before boating with your cat, you’ll want to ensure they’re trained on the basics: wearing a harness, coming when you call them, etc. And while there’s no need to rush the process, quick-learning cats will make your life much easier. 

Tips for Boating with Cats 

Have you determined that you can, in fact, boat with your cat? Follow these tips to ensure smooth sailing:

1. Invest in a Life Jacket

Just as you’d want a snug-fitting harness on land, investing in a properly fitting cat lifejacket is necessary for their safety. In some cases, small dog lifejackets also fit their feline counterparts. And you can purchase them at stores like REI or West Marine. 

When purchasing a life vest for your cat, find one that is snug enough to stay on your kitty if they fall overboard but loose enough not to restrict movement. Additionally, look for one with a handle on the back – this makes retrieving your furry friend from the water easy. 

2. Pack Water and Treats

As you would for other humans, packing water and snacks is necessary to ensure a good excursion. Bringing more than you think you’ll need is always a good idea, as you never know what the waters have in store. 

3. Plan for Short Voyages

Unless you’re living on a houseboat or sailing around the world, we recommend confining your kitty to short(er) voyages. As your cat gets more comfortable on board (and you get more comfortable having them), you can gradually lengthen the duration of your trip. 

4. Keep Your Kitty Out of the Heat

Not only will hot temperatures likely upset your cat, but they will also increase their risk of heat stroke. While cats naturally seek shade to cool themselves off, there are some ways you can help:

Move their water bowl into the shade. Also, ensure it’s far away from their litter box (many cats won’t drink near their litter box. 

  • Offer a running water source: If your kitty won’t drink standing water, you could invest in a portable water fountain. 
  • Create ice treats: Ice treats are a great way to keep your cat cool and entertained in the heat. Freeze the water from a can of tuna or low-sodium chicken stock into an ice cube. 
  • Offer a cooling mat: Placing a cooling mat in a basket is a great way to keep your cat cool. There are a ton of cooling mats on the market. However, wrapping an ice pack in a blanket will also do the trick. 
  • Provide shade: As we mentioned, cats naturally gravitate toward shady areas. Therefore, consider keeping your bimini up while your cat is on board. 

Read Next: Tips for Boating in Hot Weather

5. Get a Litter Box with a Lid

A lidded litter box will contain your cat’s mess, combat spills, and prevent not-so-great odors from drifting around the boat. Personally? We recommend wood pellets or recycled litter, as they’re eco-friendly options for masking unwanted smells. 

The Ultimate Guide to Boating with Cats

Boating is best spent with loved ones – including our furry friends! If you are considering bringing a feline first mate on your next voyage, we hope this article offered some helpful tips!