Whether you own a power yacht, wakeboard boat, fishing boat or sailboat, if you enjoy recreational boating then you share two common interests with all other boaters, clean water and access to it. These two issues form common ground between very diverse groups of water enthusiasts and encompass all ages and interests.
Good water quality is obviously important to boaters: it’s the water we swim in and it’s where we get our fish. Recognizing this, many marina operators around the state have jumped on board the Michigan Clean Marina Program. This initiative helps marina operators adhere to guidelines and best management practices that assure their operation does not hurt Michigan’s water quality. Many of the marinas that have earned this prestigious designation require boaters at their marina to sign a clean boater pledge as well. This pledge describes clean boating tips that all boaters can follow and use: If we all do our part, a little effort from many can make a big impact. Clean boating tip sheets and a list of Michigan Clean Marinas can be found at http://www.miseagrant.umich.edu/cmp/index.html.
Just as obvious, access to our pristine waters is an important issue for anyone who does not live on the water but enjoys boating. The Michigan Boating Industries Association (MBIA) is a non-profit organization that works with other agencies to preserve and expand water access for recreational boaters, marinas, launch ramps, and repair yards, as well as other water-based businesses. The MBIA website (mbia.org), is an important portal for Michigan boaters. Along with a tremendous amount of boating information, it also alerts boaters to legislation that might limit access. The MBIA uses its website to call the industry to action, asking boaters to communicate with legislators in Lansing or Washington D.C. This website also offers a link to several websites that will help you find local marina and launch ramp locations. Visit mbia.org and sign up for updates so you can help keep our waters clean and accessible.
Content shared with permission of MBIA.