Editor's Note: This article was sponsored by Discover Boating and originally published on The Sprouting Minds. The content and opinions expressed here are by The Sprouting Minds' Clair Cook.
It is SUMMER! My kids have been yelling this word for days now. Actually, they started yelling ‘summer’ days before school was over. Can you blame them? We all love summer for one reason or another. One favorite pass time is going fishing. Take it from me, it can be easily planned!

Tips for Fishing with Kids
Fishing is such a great activity to do as a family. It truly encompasses so many different skills that makes it perfect for the summer. So why fishing? My kids are not only getting outdoors and out on the water, but also are learning how to be patient. Summer can be difficult to keep those routines in check, but activities like fishing will definitely help! They also learn how to share with each other when it comes to fish bait and taking turns baiting those hooks.
Plus, we are all able to enjoy each other while riding on the boat and off the boat. What more can you ask for?
Tackle Boxes
It doesn’t take a lot of stress and worry to plan a fishing trip, especially when you have all you need right at your finger tips. For the actual fishing gear, we allow our kids to pick out their own fishing pole (if they don’t already have one) as well as whatever baits they want to use. This is meant to be a fun experience, so give them the chance to choose and pick what they would like to use! These things can be picked up at practically any major retail store.

What about transportation on the water? Again, no worry! Discover Boating's Go Boating Today tool makes this process super easy for you, whether it be to purchase or rent a boat for a day. Our family has yet to own a boat. So when it comes to boating trips, we either borrowing or renting a boat. Wondering how does Discover Boating work?
Discover Boating's Go Boating Today Tool
Nearly 142 million Americans go boating each year with ninety-five percent of boats on the water (powerboats, personal watercraft, and sailboats) in the U.S. are small in size, measuring less than 26 feet in length—boats that can be trailered by a vehicle to local waterways. Recreational boating is such a fun activity and thankful that it is now made easy for all of us! Discover Boating is an interactive online resource that allows you to search via zip code for a boat, either for renting or to own. Within your search, all the places near the entered zip code that offer these services will pop up. Easy peasy!
Go Boating Today: Find local boat rentals, clubs, peer-to-peer sharing and more near you.
Youth Boating Programs: Find programs close to home and the right fit for your child.

You can’t forget all those snacks to eat while everyone is out on the boat and fishing. We all know how much our kids love to snack! So pack that ice chest with everyone’s favorite sandwiches, snacks and drinks. Remember that patience for all the memories that will be made while fishing with your loved ones!
So don’t wait to long to find that perfect boat via using Discover Boating's Boat Finder tool, and enjoy this summer while fishing.