Hey There! Capt. Chris here!
There’s nothing better than spending Labor Day weekend on the water with friends and family. Lucky for us, the weather was amazing and we took advantage of every minute. On Friday night when I got home from work, my wife had the boat packed and ready to go. We went for an evening cruise and stopped for dinner on the water. Saturday morning the kids were up bright and early asking when we’re leaving. We did just that and headed out to the sand bar for the afternoon. After a great day on the water, we had a special treat for the kids and headed to a local marina where we stayed the night. The marina is also a state park, so we were able to make a bon-fire, cook hot dogs and make my daughters new favorite dessert, S’mores.
We couldn’t have asked for a better weekend, as it doesn’t get any better than spending quality family time on a boat and watching my little ones experience something new. Below is a picture of the two of them on the bridge as we rolled with the waves.
Well enough about how much fun we had on the water, what about you? What great things did you do with your family over the weekend? Where did you go? What did you see? Did you experience or try anything new?
posted @ 9/8/2009 10:39 AM by Chris