6 Sustainable Seafood Month Tips for Boaters

Do you know where your seafood comes from? We ask because October is Sustainable Seafood Month, so while enjoying a warm bowl of clam chowder and taking in the crisp autumn air, take a moment to consider where that fish came from.

The United States leads the world in sustainable seafood practices, which makes this the perfect time to consider how our choices affect our waters. And for those of us who call the water our second home – sustainable seafood is even more important. Keep scrolling to learn what this month in celebration means and why it matters.

What Boaters Need to Know: Sustainable Seafood Month

As boaters, we care about our waterways and the sport we love. And naturally, we want future generations to experience these timeless activities, too. That's why thinking about where our fish comes from is becoming increasingly important.

You see, before that seafood lands on your plate, it goes on quite a journey. And that’s what Sustainable Seafood Month is all about. The goal is to bring attention to responsible fishing practices and show how everyone in the supply chain can help protect our oceans and marine life.

Protecting Our Oceans: Responsible Ways to Enjoy Seafood 

Angling isn’t just a hobby—millions of people across the world depend on fishing for their livelihood or as a regular source of sustenance. And that’s why we must protect this food source. But how? 

Sustainable Seafood Month

As consumers, we all play a significant role in promoting sustainable seafood practices. Here's how:

1.  Choose Seafood from Your Neck of the Woods

The easiest way to begin is to support local businesses that source seafood from your region. This benefits your community – and lowers the carbon footprint of transporting fish from faraway locations. And you'll taste the freshest catch in your area!

2. Pick Seafood from Companies That Care

Another easy way is to look for transparent companies that openly disclose where they source their fish. Many businesses proudly showcase their commitment to sustainability on their packaging or websites.

3. Enjoy Seafood on a Boat When It's in Season

Just like how you might enjoy strawberries in summer and pumpkins in fall, seafood has its seasons, too. Opting for plentiful fish at certain times of the year ensures you're getting the freshest catch – while also reducing pressure on species that might be scarce.

4. Look for the Blue Fish: Choose MSC-Certified Options

Look for the blue fish label from the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) when shopping for your next meal. This small symbol makes a big difference as it means the wild-caught seafood you buy was sourced from responsibly managed fisheries. 

5. Ask Where Your Seafood Comes From

Another tip: Ask more questions while shopping or dining. A solid restaurant or market will disclose the sources of their products. Don't be shy! More customer questions may lead businesses to focus on their sourcing habits.

6. Try New Types of Fish

Lastly, mix it up by trying different species. You're helping reduce the demand for overfished populations and you never know what delicious new seafood dish you might try!

Seafood on a Boat: The Perfect Way to Honor Sustainable Seafood Month

Remember, as a boat captain, you're responsible for more than just your passengers' safety – you're also a steward of the ocean. So, next time you're out enjoying seafood, consider trying one of the sustainable methods we've discussed. Your taste buds — and the ocean — will thank you